I have been “unifying” all my adult life …

Unifying DOES start within. Since a minor awakening at 23, I  have been unifying the seemingly warring, and often paradoxical, voices in my head/heart.

Now at 73 y.o., I’ve learned a secret or two. I love coaching on the secrets of this powerful process, so you can unify yourself, get on with your path … and contribute your gift to Life.

Fredric founder of Unify

Dr. Frederic Wiedemann

Frederic is a deep, passionate and loving man. He is a renaissance kind of guy — scholar and published author of Between Two Worlds: The Riddle of Wholeness; Founder and Director of two nonprofits; community activist through the MIT U-Lab; previous Human Resources VP for an entrepreneurial start-up rocketing to $50,000,000 sales; poet of over 200 poems; and an active coaching and mentoring practice for those wanting clarity and connection with their deeper soul.

He has deliberately synthesized his background in clinical psychology, spirituality, meditation, mindfulness, energy medicine, somatic experience, neuroscience, wisdom traditions, evolutionary psychology, yoga, solo vision quests, professional dance and world travel adventures into practical and loving teachings.

He is able to synthesis all of these threads, together with his social and sacred activist calling in founding the Unifying Way.

The theme running through his diverse life is to explore, embody, and share Wholeness. His heart is to be of benefit — whether befriending a homeless on the streets, joining a local cause to stop fracking, writing a poem, or mentoring those in his coaching practice of 40 years.

For some juicy details, please see the categories below, and just click on the bolded title of each section. 

MINDFULNESS: click on this banner (to roll it down or up), to read more about my experiences in this:

  • Have been a serious meditator since learning TM (Transcendental Meditation) at 24. Currently meditating about twice a day for about 15 mins each time.
  • As clinical psychologistand spiritual guide, has been in the trenches with hundreds of clients for 45 years — helping, healing and learning what works and doesn’t.
  • At the end of a “dark night of the soul (see below), he discovered the Flash Awake — a proprietary breath to (1) shift out of “auto-pilot,” and (2) bring the brain-body-Spirit to greater consciousness, in 30-seconds.
  • For the last eight years, he has taken a deep diveinto the Flash Awake, including the powerful neuroscience behind it, and how to refine it so you can even get a belly chuckle from it.
  • “When I discovered the Flash Awake four years ago, as the culmination of all my seeking, an amazing thing happened — I stopped seeking. That doesn’t mean that I don’t still pursue powerful dreams, it means that I do it from an entirely different place inside myself — a place of being able to “feel home” whenever I choose”
  • Has “discovered” five life-changing ideas/concepts/processes over the course of his life: (1) the Unifying Field, (2) the Paradox of Wholeness, (3) the Flash Awake, (4) the Soul Flow, and (5) the Green Joy Flash.
  • Paradoxically, Frederic receives and practices much of his “mindfulness” through embodiment practices. He regularly does contact improv, yoga, cardio, weight-lifting, movement classes, hiking and pilates in Boulder.
  • For those of you that might understand this (and in the cosmic scheme of things, it is not that important :), Frederic is an explorer and teacher of integrating Non-Dual and Dual teachings.

MY SHADOW: click on this banner (to roll it down or up), to read more about my experiences in this:

Doing Jungian “shadow work” for 40 years. In 2003, at the end of his two year learning sabbatical in Kashmir, India, and Maui, Frederic experienced increasing levels of anxiety and depression. He found that he could no longer force himself to do coaching and therapy with his clients. He descended into a private hell. Homeless, in debt—and suicidal—it took him months of “shadow work,” his own therapy, medication, and the astounding help of his family and friends to confront this mid-life death and rebirth … and then several more years of difficult inner work to become fully functional and healthy again.

Facing this dragon led him forward into a renewal of his life and sacred work. For example, he discovered the “Flash Awake” (see above).

JOY: click on this banner (to roll it down or up), to read more about my experiences in this:

For those of you that might understand the Enneagram: I am a poster child for the enneagram 7 type — from its glorious, healthy functioning as an “ecstatic appreciator” … to its compulsive, unhealthy gluttony for “more, More, MORE.”

I experience what the enneagram says about the enneagram 7: “Accept your invitation to abundance: to joyously celebrate existence and share your happiness. It is your True Nature to be happy and to add to the richness of experience for everyone..”

My parents used to call me “skitterbug,” because I was always skittering out to the creek behind our home in the 1950’s, and joyously playing up and down the creek — “catching and releasing minnows (!), building “forts” out of willows, jumping in the swimming hole.

To this day, it gives me great joy to play with Nature’s elements — like rocks, branches, and sand — to create that I call “UR Art.” UR is the ancient word for Earth. You will see various little examples of Ur Art along the trails in the forest on the retreat site, like this creature.

I “discovered” the Green Joy Flash. At least that is what I am currently calling it. This is the moment we have all probably had — in which a burst of joy flashes on us (or through us?) … like that special moment when we experience the “green flash” of a sunrise or sunset. I have made a study of this, and will show you how to recognize and cultivate it.

ADVENTURE/TRAVEL/WILDERNESS: click on this banner (to roll it down or up), to read more about my (privileged) experiences in this:

First off,  I just want to acknowledge that these experiences below come from living in the very privileged, first-world (bubble) for 73 years. I am grateful for these experiences — because they have taught me so much more about the “real” world and the real people living in it, than all my formal education. And I am aware that all beings should have such access to this kind of culture enriching and world learning. Sigh. Will we ever get it right — for the benefit of All?


Frederic started exploring the wilderness with his dad as a young boy in the YMCA “Indian guide” He did his first 4-day wilderness solo at 23, on Sunshine Mesa near Telluride. He did a 9-day wilderness solo at McGhee Creek near Mammoth, and was gifted his power totem medicine animal — when he had a direct encounter with a mountain lioness. Since then,Frederic has taken and/or guided others on over 20 wilderness vision quests. At 70 y.o., he still loves to “disappear” into the wilds — and finds this to be one of the most powerful ways to receive joy and life-changing inner guidance.

Travels & Adventures:

Frederic has lived abroad for five years, and traveled in 45 countries.

  • At 17, studying in Lugano, Switzerland for a year.
  • At 21, motorcycling overland from London > Africa > Europe > Turkey > Iran > Afghanistan > Pakistan > India, for a year on a 500 cc Triumph.
  • At the infamous Afghan Khyber Pass, held at machine-gun point, while robbed of his motorcycle.
  • Arriving in New Delhi, by chicken bus, the day Pakistan started dropping bombs on Connaught Place.
  • Trekking through Neolithic Stone-age tribes with his dad in Iran Jaya
  • Rafting the Grand Canyon for 3 straight weeks with 16 other “river-rats.”
  • Living with a muslim family of 26 members in Sonmarg, Kashmir— near where the USA was bombing
  • Afghanistan in 2003, following the 911 terrorist attacks
  • Open sea kayaking on Lake Baikal, Siberia during a freak squall

ACTIVISM: click on this banner (to roll it down or up), to read more about my (privileged) experiences in this:


First off,  I just want to acknowledge that these experiences below come from living in the very privileged, first-world (bubble) for 73 years. I am grateful for these experiences — because they have taught me so much more about the “real” world and the real people living in it, than all my formal education. And I am aware that all beings should have such access to this kind of culture enriching and world learning. Sigh. Will we ever get it right — for the benefit of All?


Frederic started exploring the wilderness with his dad as a young boy in the YMCA “Indian guide” He did his first 4-day wilderness solo at 23, on Sunshine Mesa near Telluride. He did a 9-day wilderness solo at McGhee Creek near Mammoth, and was gifted his power totem medicine animal — when he had a direct encounter with a mountain lioness. Since then,Frederic has taken and/or guided others on over 20 wilderness vision quests. At 70 y.o., he still loves to “disappear” into the wilds — and finds this to be one of the most powerful ways to receive joy and life-changing inner guidance.

Travels & Adventures:

Frederic has lived abroad for five years, and traveled in 45 countries.

  • At 17, studying in Lugano, Switzerland for a year.
  • At 21, motorcycling overland from London > Africa > Europe > Turkey > Iran > Afghanistan > Pakistan > India, for a year on a 500 cc Triumph.
  • At the infamous Afghan Khyber Pass, held at machine-gun point, while robbed of his motorcycle.
  • Arriving in New Delhi, by chicken bus, the day Pakistan started dropping bombs on Connaught Place.
  • Trekking through Neolithic Stone-age tribes with his dad in Iran Jaya
  • Rafting the Grand Canyon for 3 straight weeks with 16 other “river-rats.”
  • Living with a muslim family of 26 members in Sonmarg, Kashmir— near where the USA was bombing
  • Afghanistan in 2003, following the 911 terrorist attacks
  • Open sea kayaking on Lake Baikal, Siberia during a freak squall