• Heads up: the ego (or the part of you that is so intent on always doing, doing, doing) may feel interrupted when a “Flash Awake” comes in. It may not want to stop and do the simple, rewarding Flash Awake. Just know this, so you do not stumble here. Think of the Flash Awake as an incredibly valuable “pattern interrupt” — interrupting whatever you may be fixated on (ie, lost). Experiment with Flashing Awake anyway, and find out what happens!
  • Speaking of setting the right expectations: even if you fanatically Flashed Awake 5-10-20 times a day (like me), you will not necessarily achieve enlightenment, change the external situations in your life, or feel better all the time! (Nothing does that other than a slow spiritual maturation process).
  • The inner guidance messages you will receive when you open to them are intended to help you feel relief. Once you get past any egoic annoyance of being “interrupted,” and actually do the day’s Flash Awake, you will experience relief.
  • Train yourself so that just sensing the subtest inner guidance can be an automatic trigger to feel cared for, presented with an opportunity to go to a larger perspective! Over time, you can find yourself automatically taking deep breaths, or becoming more present. Or just smiling at the reminder that there is a vast realm of spiritual truth just bubbling beyond whatever you currently are fixated on. 
  • Each “Flash Awake” or inner guidance is a REMINDER … but also an EXPERIENCE of a different, fun, interesting way to Flash Awake to Presence, Connection, and Love, (and gratitude, truth, healing, relief, etc!). 
  • Your part is just to stop whatever you are doing (when you can), and instead, Flash Awake for about 30 secondw.
  • The results? Not only the pleasure of waking up to the magic of this moment each day, but also the cumulative effect over time of finding yourself indeed more awake, alive, connected (the Flash Awake re-wires the neuro-connectivity of your brain, but more on that later :).

Blessings on feeling Presence, Connection and Love — all around, in, through, and amidst us right now,

Smiling and appreciating you,


a 45 year counselor, adventurer, traveler, and UNIFIER.