By reading my journey through navigating the unknown, you may navigate the unknown and challenges you face with greater grace and greater insight. My story is written in service to your story.  🙂 I hope that you gain the capacity to explore and enjoy the unknown, as I am learning to.


  1. I share my internal journey through the discomfort and surrender of being in the unknown…and the unexpected twists and turns. If we can find a curiosity within the unknown, we become empowered to live in alignment with it… and maybe even experience the joy and freedom that ensues.
  2. You can see from my recent unifying post that I am choosing to explore the richness and the creativity of the Void. YAY, I am approaching this Void different than I ever have before.
  3. You can see below that I am framing this as a conscious attempt to unify a (seeming) dichotomy.


I am struggling to unify

A. the part of me choosing to explore/enjoy this Void process


B. the part feeling discouraged by two health problems, out of the blue.

The Part of Me “Choosing”

I’m loving the new psychological & spiritual growth that I see from this new approach and I have been feeling nurtured by navigating this Void in the new, intentional way. Amazingly enough, I have actually been feeling nurtured by navigating the Void in this new, intentional way.

The Part of me “Struggling”

I had an elbow injury recently. I overused my elbows in weightlifting. My right elbow went into swollen bursitis, acute pain, and inflammation.
At first, I was OK with this. Flowing with it pretty good. Being gentle with myself. Still able to “be” in the Void…. Then this morning I woke up with a sore throat, out of the blue. Finding it harder to “stay positive.”
Sensing that my Life Force is weaker, I’m finding it more difficult to enjoy being in the Void.

The best that I can do right now is this:

  • Celebrate this awareness that I am struggling.
  • Take action steps to raise my Life Force (take garlic for my cold, use turmeric for my elbow inflammation, double  my time in meditation, allow myself to rest, stop any inner critic attacks, etc).
  • Know that when I feel stronger physically and psychologically, I can return to my juicy exploration of the Unknown
  • Relax into these twists and turns of the journey

Now Your Turn…

How do YOU relate to the various parts and reactions that happen inside you when in the unknown… especially when challenges arises? Comment below…

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1. Comment Immediately Below (you may have to scroll down aways).

2. AND/OR, Share Your Comment on our new FaceBook group:The Unifying Way Community.

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a 45 year counselor, adventurer, traveler, and UNIFIER.

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